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Fontana Heating Repair Services


Heating repairs are a necessary part of winter for many homeowners. Whether you have a furnace or heating unit, it is important to keep up with regular maintenance to ensure your home stays warm and comfortable all season long. Sometimes, however, heating repairs are necessary even when you’ve been keeping up with maintenance. If your heating system isn’t working properly, Air One Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing can help. We offer heating repair services in Fontana and the surrounding areas to help get your home back to normal as quickly as possible.


At Air One Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing, we can help diagnose and fix any problems with your heating system. Contact us today to schedule heating repair services in Fontana or a surrounding area: 909-347-5577.

Signs It’s Time for Repair

There are a few common signs that you may need heating repair services. One of the most common is if your heating system isn’t heating your home to the temperature you set it at. If you notice that your heating bill is significantly higher than normal, or if your heating system is making strange noises, it may be time to call the professionals for a repair. Additionally, if you see any water leaking from your heating unit, it’s definitely time for heating repair. 

Common signs that should clue you into the fact that it’s time for a heating repair: 

You're experiencing cold spots throughout the house, or your system isn't heating your home to the temperature you set it at -

when you're not feeling the same temperature throughout your home, it could be a sign of bad ductwork, or your system being overworked

You’ve noticed that your system is cycling on and off frequently -

this is a sign that your heat exchanger may be overheating or malfunctioning in some other way

You have to crank the heat way up to feel warmth -

this could be indicative of a malfunction or an issue with your thermostat

Your heating bill is significantly higher than normal -

If your bill is rising but your usage has not, there's a good chance something is wrong with the unit

Your heating system is making strange noises -

this could mean that an individual part has come loose or is wearing down and in need of repair

You’ve spotted water leaking from your heating unit -

this could be due to an improperly fitted exhaust pipe or a problem with the unit's built-in humidifier

Your pilot light is yellow instead of blue -

when the blue flame turns to yellow, carbon monoxide may be present, which needs to be addressed immediately

You’ve noticed a lot of dust buildup around vents -

dust builds up when your heater can't properly clean the air, which is usually a sign that it's time for new filters

About Our Heater Repair Services

Common heater problems we can help with include: 

These problems often occur when regular maintenance is not performed on the unit, so we highly recommend investing in an annual maintenance plan to support your system all year long.

Let the Pros Handle Your Heater Repairs!

At Air One Air Conditioning, Heating & Plumbing, we can help diagnose and resolve any issues with your heating system. Locally owned and operated, we’re just a click or phone call away. For your ultimate convenience, we proudly offer free second opinions.  

For a quote on heater repair services in Fontana, call us at 909-347-5577 or submit an online form here.